SALE!! Save 28% on WordPress Ecommerce. Please contact our 24/7 Support Team at 1-480-624-2500 for assistance.
Interested in using the time tested WordPress web framework for your Online store? If so, you’ll enjoy their premium plan, complete with unlimited storage, unlimited visitation, real time shipping rates and unlimited anti-malware and hack repair, as well as $1500 of add-ons that may prove invaluable.
With a WordPress Online store you’ll be working with Woo Commerce. Woo Commerce is an ecommerce portal partnering with WordPress to make available ecommerce development to its customers.
Shop for a website theme with Woo Commerce for your WordPress Online Store. Built to accommodate the beginner to expert web enthusiast, Woo Commerce plug in themes for WordPress are state of the art and fully customizable. Explore Themes
After selecting your theme, you’ll be able to install it within your WordPress development portal and select your Woo Commerce add ons through WordPress.
Other plugins for your WordPress Online store using Woo Commerce are also available for you to download to integrate your Ecommerce site with Quickbooks, provide real time shipping quotes as well as dynamic photo galleries, and much more. Explore WordPress Plugins
With a WordPress Ecommerce platform, you’ll also receive a $1500 credit towards Woo Commerce plugin downloaded through your WordPress platform.
One Price All Inclusive

With WordPress Ecommerce, you’ll have it ALL, including access to the Google Shopping Network, Amazon, Ebay AND you’ll be able to integrate your inventory with Codesto. You’ll also be able to integrate your Online sales with your Quickbooks and much, much more.
A complete, state of the art application that also includes many extras. This is a place where you’re the boss and you decide what stays and goes. However, if you need help, Digital Media Vermont is here. We’re happy to do a set up, walk you through and provide onging assistance and support.
Please feel free to contact Digital Media Vermont at 1-802-261-7947 or our 24/7 Support Staff is available at 1-480-624-2500 if you have any questions or would like help getting started.