Digital Media Vermont is an Affiliate of Ecwid E-Commerce and Shopify E- Commerce solutions. In addition, we retail and provide expert customization/maintenance services for Go Daddy’s Website Builder. as well as Magento, PrestaShop, Woo Commerce and WordPress solutions.
Customization and maintenance include shipping and merchant account set up, Marketplace inclusions and updates, product/price/inventory changes, cost analysis-when applicatble and much more.
If you’re interested in an Online Store for your business I recommend contacting Digital Media Vermont. You may be interested in managing your Online store yourself or you may be interested in weekly or monthhly updating. We’ll match your needs to an E commerce solution and present our recommendation and pricing.
Below are just a few expamples of what is available. Too expensive? Other platforms are available for less. AND, if you’re only interested in presenting ten products or less, try Ecwid. It’s free for stores presenting ten products or less.