Whether you’re intending to have a simple website for your business or an intricate Online store, it all starts here.
The Domain Name
First, you’ll need a Domain Name. Your Domain Name may be the name of your business or the primary product or service that you sell. In either case, a Domain Name is usually the LEAST expensive product you’ll buy, with prices generally ranging from $12.99 to $18.99 or more a year for your Domain Name Registration. …More
Web Hosting
Next, you will need to choose a website hosting plan. For a simple site that may have as many as 5,000 visitors a month, either the CPanel Economy or WordPress Basic will suffice.
For larger sites, extended plans are available. …More
An Online store application very typically includes website hosting, and even SSL. Varying plans are available to suit a variety of needs. …More
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SSL and Website Security
Keep your visitoris and your site safe with SSL and Website Security. While SSL has become a necessity, Website Security is a response to malware, hackers and viral attacks that have become a prevalent predator for website owners. …More