E Commerce, Marketplaces and Online Advertising

An E-commerce website may perform well on its own. However, if you’re not happy with your results from your Online store, you will likely find more sales using Marketplaces.

Marketplace networks allow small, little known businesses the ability to tap into the marketing efforts, customer base and successful management strategies of leading Online sales entities. As a result and for relatively few dollars local businesses may experience accelerated Online sales results with their inclusion into the marketplace framework in a very short time.

Marketplaces are platforms that allow businesses to complete with large Fortune 500 companies on Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, as well as Google and Bing and many others.

The advantages are clear. Tapping into marketplaces allows for greater visibility. Whether your products are branded (have bar codes) or not, you are able to present your products next to the products of many other companies.

If you’re a retailer with branded products and a distinct price advantage, you are likely to do very well on Marketplaces. Consumers, for example, on Amazon will shop for a product, will find the identical product displayed from varying sources at varying prices and, most typically, purchase at the lowest price available.

Keep in mind that the competition is fierce. To offer branded products for a few pennies less can make all the difference in the world.

Costs typically include a monthly fee of $39 and a per sale charge. The Google and Bing Shopping Networks are free and, while they display your products through their network, sales through the Google and Bing Shopping networks will occur on your own unique E-commerce portal.

(Keep in mind that Microsoft (formerly Bing) includes the Yahoo, Bing, AOL and MSN Search Engine Networks)

Online Advertising Venues

In addition to Marketplaces, your Online Store, as well as your retail locations, may also utilize Online advertising made available through Google, Microsoft and Facebook that include Google Adwords and Google Adsense, Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads) and Facebook Ads.

***Just a quick note- Google Ad Words appear on Google Search Engine Results at the top of the left hand side of the Search Engine Results page. Google Ad Sense ads appear on websites that subscribe to Google Ad Sense as providers of portals for ads placed with Google Ad Sense. Visitors who disable pop ups and ads will not see Google Ad Sense ads on websites that have subscribed to Google Ad Sense.

Costs for Online advertsing through the portals above is generally on a per click bases. Businesses who advertse may limit their costs to a specific monthly dollar amount.

Google Ads

Microsoft Advertising

Facebook Ads

Please feel free to contact Digital Media Vermont 1-802-261-7947 for more information.
